Setting Up Custom Branding (Logos & Colors)

This document explains how to:

  • Add your company logo in the branding section. The logo is used in your unified Privacy Center.
  • Customize the primary and secondary colors in the branding section so they match your company’s desired look and feel. Primary and secondary colors are used in both the Consent Banner and the Privacy Center.


To customize your logo, go to User ExperiencesBranding in the Admin UI.

Concord Admin UI Website Experiences Branding
  1. Click the Edit button in upper right corner of the page.
  2. Click Click here to select a logo and browse to your logo.
  3. Click Save to save your changes.

Primary & Secondary Colors

Concord allows you you customize the branding of the Consent Banner and Privacy Center so they align with your desired look and feel. The primary color is used for the background of the header in your Privacy Center and the secondary color is used for buttons, links, switches, and other elements in your Consent Banner and Privacy Center.

To customize the primary and secondary colors, go to User ExperiencesBranding in the Admin UI.

Concord Admin UI Website Experiences Branding Colors
  1. Click the Edit button in upper right corner of the page.
  2. Click on the color option and select a color using the color picker box, by entering the HEX, HSB, or RGB color code, or by selecting one of the recommended colors.
  3. Click Save to save your changes.