Key Metrics Report

The Key Metrics Report provides detailed day-by-day information for your key metrics, including Visitor Sessions, Visitors, Consent Events, and Privacy Requests.

The Key Metrics report will show you daily counts for Visitor Sessions, Visitors, Consent Events, and Privacy Requests. You can choose the starting and ending month for the report using the date range picker as seen below:

Selecting a Date

Click within the starting date range, select a starting month, and then click within the ending date range and select an ending date.

Concord Admin UI Key Metrics Report Date Range

Using the Key Metrics Report

The report shows distinct days within the requested date range with discrete counts for each metric displayed. Consent Events and Privacy Requests are aggregated within this report and do not show the specific type of Event or Request. You can see additional detail in either the Consent Log or the Request Log reports.

Concord Admin UI Key Metrics Report